For nearly 40 years, headed up by the late Marge Murphy, the Queens Grant Entryway was lovingly maintained by many volunteers and funds were raised to support that maintenance, including the irrigation installation, the water and gas bills, and annual flowers.
The entryway (at Lynbrook & Rama roads) needed regular maintenance of the flowers, trees, irrigation, and a conversion made to the old lanterns, moving from gas to LED electric. In 2020, Rama Swim Club was asked to take over management of QGE, and we agreed.
Thanks to your generous contributions to the 2022 Queens Grant Entryway (QGE) fundraiser, Rama Swim Club is able to maintain the beautiful entryway and successfully converted the old gas lanterns to electric. It is a beautiful, lighted entrance to our neighborhood and we are so grateful to those who contributed to the work. The work was not easy, but the result is worth it!
We have been approached by neighbors around the Rama Woods entrance regarding enhancing and beautifying that entrance in a similar way to QGE. The project would include an overhaul of the grounds to include flowers and shrub maintenance. If we exceed our fundraising goal, we could put the extra money toward an irrigation system for Rama Woods, but there are no plans to install electricity there. Rama has agreed to the work at Charing & Rama Roads, if our neighbors are financially supportive of that project. Having attractive entrances to our neighborhoods, without an HOA, benefits us all but takes a grassroots effort. Please see a financial summary and proposal at the bottom of the page for your consideration.
Would you please consider a donation of $80 per household to this combined effort? Donations can be made via check, made out to Rama Swim Club, attn: Treasurer, 6109 Wheeler Dr, Charlotte NC 28211
or click to donate via Rama’s Square account: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/NWH1FR4P15WEP/checkout/BBBEBGRC273ISZKGVEL6JKSC
Are you a local business or service looking to sponsor Rama Swim Club? Email us to get in on our Sponsorship Options!
Rama Swim Club | ramaswimclub@gmail.com | 704.364.3384